MUSIC has always been the life pulse for me.  From attending my father’s jazz band rehearsals as an infant, from singing in the gospel choir as a child and teen and moving, grooving and swooning with family and friends to Motown and more.  

Every step of the way, from Jazz, to Gospel, to Blues, to R&B, to Spoken Word, music has always been.  Yes, Music has rocked, rolled, and swayed my being, lifted my inner and outer voice to levels above genre. But somehow, I found a special passion for the blues. I’ve participated in many different musical projects across genres and venues and will always do so. Its a growth thing. I’ve shared stages with many celebrated artists and I’ve never met or performed with any artist I haven’t learned from. I’m always motivated/motivating to rethink ways to present diverse music to diverse audiences.

Along with vocal performances in the areas of Jazz, Funk, Blues and R&B, I’ve led dynamic gospel choirs, produced quarterly gospel shows and choreographed, produced, and directed longstanding annual 1940s-styled Harlem Cabarets in Boulder.  These and other artistic endeavors have served to enhance and expand musical insight and capacity for me and others. 

I have enjoyed participating in the musical creative process of other artists as well. Being able to experience this process with others always adds greater dimension to your own. Recently, working with John Magnie and crew has been a wonderful and fun opportunity to stretch and grow in even more ways.

Such ventures nourish me and provide more fuel for me to share with others – musicians and audiences. My sound is a culmination of nature, nurture, experience and experiences. I value every musical opportunity to share myself through song.

Come out and experience My Music, The Passion, The Purpose, The Pulse! 

Thank you greatly for your continued support!

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